Google LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle LoyalistsGoogle Loyalists

Let's face it. Google is going to take over the world sometime soon. There are a few companies in the running. Microsoft, Wal-Mart, eBay, and Google. I am betting it will be Google. I figure they will eventually merge with eBay, then they will somehow engulf Wal-Mart. At some point, Microsoft will just have to submit. Thus, the creation of this page.

This page shall serve as a listing of all the people who support Google now. This will serve as a Loyalty Roster of sorts. So, when Google declares a New World Order of Googlites, this list will allow all members on it to declare that they have supported Google from the get-go. This should hopefully automatically appoint all members to positions of power over all the non-loyalists, or at least keep us from being exterminated

The roster is not up and running yet. It is still in prelims.